News and Views

New To Teaching History 2024 (26-27 June 2024, 1-4pm on both days, MS Teams)

Participants in this interactive online workshop, sponsored by the Royal Historical Society and History UK, will develop their understanding of key issues relating to teaching History in higher education, from innovations in teaching and learning and curriculum design to teaching seminar groups and giving lectures. It will take place online, using Microsoft Teams.

The event is aimed both at those new to teaching History in higher education (i.e., about to begin or recently started), as well as those who may have experience with some elements of teaching but wish to develop their thoughts on other aspects (e.g., designing a module). Engaging in conversations with colleagues and critically reflecting on teaching practice is beneficial not only for individual teaching and career development, but also as part of applications and teaching recognition – for instance, for AdvanceHE Fellowships. We welcome applicants from beyond the UK, although elements of the event will be tailored specifically to UK HE contexts.

The workshop will be delivered by a group of experienced and innovative teachers of History in HE. Participants should be prepared to engage actively in the sessions, as the workshop will be structured around group discussions – such as responding to a set scenario, discussing an outline syllabus for a module you wish to propose, etc.

26th June 2024, 1-4pm

  • Small Group Teaching in History
  • Lectures
  • Assessment and Feedback
  • ECR Roundtable Discussion: ‘What We’d Wish We’d Known…’

27th June 2024, 1-4pm

  • Module Design and Delivery
  • Inclusive Teaching
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Teaching
  • Roundtable Discussion: Reflections on Experiences and Responses to Questions

To book a place, please visit the New To Teaching History event registration page

Post-Pandemic Pedagogy – launch of final report

History UK are pleased to announce the publication of the final report from the Post-Pandemic Pedagogy project. Led by two former convenors of History UK, Marcus Collins and Jamie Wood, the Post-Pandemic Pedagogy Project (2021-2023) collected evidence of student and staff experiences of learning and teaching History during the pandemic, to gather their views on how teaching should be conducted afterwards, and to produce a series if discipline-specific recommendations that was designed to inform planning for the future of History teaching in UK universities.

The project built on History UK’s Pandemic Pedagogy Project, which addressed a need to support the history community during a time of transition and culminated in the Pandemic Pedagogy Handbook. The Post-Pandemic Pedagogy Project, supported by the East Midlands Centre for History Teaching and Learning, History UK and the RHS, was an opportunity for staff and students to contribute quantitative and qualitative responses comparing their experiences of teaching and learning before and during the pandemic, and their preferences once the pandemic abated. Based on over 500 respondents from nearly 50 universities, the report explores different aspects of learning, teaching and assessment including lectures, seminars, independent study, coursework and exams. It also considers different types of institutions and accessibility and EDI issues. It is hoped it will be useful in informing planning for the future of History teaching in HEIs.

The final report from the Post-Pandemic Pedagogy project (PDF).

History UK research fellowship – History and Disability Project

History UK is seeking two early career historians (PhD or post-doc) for short-term fellowships to contribute to their History and Disability project (co-funded by the RHS).  

History UK Disability and History Project  

The History UK EDI report [] identified that disability is often not foregrounded in University EDI initiatives and was an area demanding further attention. The number of staff and students declaring disabilities is increasing and the awarding gaps for disabled students are significant. The Covid-19 pandemic and the wider mental health crisis in higher education highlighted the challenges faced. It also led to an intense interest from the student body in the histories of medicine, health and disability. The HUK Disability History Project has 2 complementary strands examining a) experiences of disabled students and staff in history departments in HEIs and b) the teaching and studying of disability history in UKHE. The aim is to generate evidence-based recommendations and produce a sector-wide report in the style of previous HUK reports. The project is jointly funded by the Royal Historical Society.  

The HUK research fellows will contribute to the shaping of the project, conduct desk-based research (of websites, blog posts, social media for relevant case studies, reports or practical guides and relevant peer-reviewed literature), present clear and concise summaries of their findings, facilitate survey work and focus groups. The research fellows will be expected to undertake 40 hours of work each during the project. Work can largely be undertaken flexibly at times that suit the researchers, except for some scheduled events. Researchers will begin work on the project during June 2024 and conclude in October 2024 (timescale subject to change). The renumeration for the fellowship is fixed at £750 per researcher. 

Person specification: 

  • An early career historian (PhD or post-doc) 
  • An interest in disability, history and pedagogy  
  • Excellent research skills 
  • Excellent communication skills 
  • Ability to work independently and with minimal supervision 
  • Excellent organisation and project management skills 
  • Attention to detail 
  • Experience of surveys and focus groups  

Due to the nature of the project, we are particularly interested to receive applications from people researching/teaching disability history and/or who consider themselves a disabled historian. 

To apply: Send a short CV (1-2 pages) and cover letter to the project lead Dr Sarah holland (

In the cover letter you should explain why you are interested in the role, how you meet the person specification, and what you will bring to the project.  

The deadline for applications is Friday 17 May 2024 at 5 pm.  

History UK Pedagogy Forum on Experiential Learning in History

Wednesday 20 March, 2 pm to 3:45 pm via Zoom

We are delighted to invite you to the next event in History UK’s online Pedagogy Forum series. This time, we will explore ‘Experiential Learning in History’, showcasing different ways in which historians have incorporated practice-based approaches into their university teaching. The event follows on from an in-person event held at Northumbria University in July 2023 and will contribute to our ongoing work in this field.

During the March event, we will hear about four different teaching initiatives:

  • Ruth Murphy (Sheffield) – Experiential Learning through the ‘Life Worth Living’ Module

This presentation will introduce ‘Life Worth Living’, a project and pedagogical approach that equips students, educators, and the public for the lifelong process of discerning and pursuing the good life by engaging the world’s philosophical and religious traditions. In particular, it will focus on the ‘Life Worth Living’ module as it is taught to history and philosophy students at the University of Sheffield, and the ways in which it differs from other courses.

  • Kristen Brill (Keele) and Rachel Adcock (Keele) – Experiential Learning in Heritage (and Beyond): Reflections on the Role of Placements and Projects in the History Curriculum

Integrating authentic experiences and assessments into the History university curriculum provides a low-stakes but high reward opportunity for students to connect their knowledge and experience to societal debates, external organisations and audiences, as well as supporting them in developing key employability skills and visualising themselves as professionals. Dr Kristen Brill and Dr Rachel Adcock will draw on their experience of integrating various opportunities for ‘off-site’ experiential learning into the History curriculum at Keele University, presenting case studies from their work with local heritage organisations including V&A Wedgwood, Tatton Park/National Trust, and a range of other organisations.

  • Julia Moses (Sheffield) and Charles West (Edinburgh) – Promise, not Peril: Artificial Intelligence as an (Experiential) Teaching Tool in History

Artificial Intelligence has often been met with scepticism in the teaching of History at university. Viewed as a means to shortcut the essay writing process, or outright ‘cheat’, the potential of AI as a pedagogical tool in History has been underexplored. At the same time, it is clear that AI is shaping the everyday experiences of our students as well as the world they are moving into. In this paper, we share our experiences of teaching with AI in different settings in the UK: an undergraduate medieval history module at Edinburgh and a masters option module in modern history at Sheffield.

  • Caroline Nielsen (Northampton) – Developing Humanities Student Communication and Research Skills Development via Practice-Based Communication Modules

How do you encourage students to move beyond academic communication styles? How do you support them to transfer their historical research skills to other sectors and to graduate employment?  This showcase will briefly outline the pedagogic development of broadcast and communication practice-based modules for History at the University of Northampton, highlighting our key practical tips and learning for the HE History sector.

For any questions on this event, please get in touch with Daniel Laqua (, who has organised this workshop, or with the convenors of the History UK Pedagogy Forum, Sarah Holland ( and Sarah Jones (

Book your place now.

History UK Pedagogy Forum – Collaborations Between Schools and Universities

Wednesday 6 March 2024, 4-5.30pm, via Zoom

Collaborations between schools and universities are important to both sectors and can take many different forms. Colleagues at schools and universities have experience and expertise which benefit each other and strengthen partnerships. This forum aims to explore different ways of collaborating, what does and doesn’t work and a range of different case studies.

We are joined by Dr Sarah Longair (University of Lincoln), David Ingledew (Education/Teaching Training), Sam Jones (Bolder Academy) and Dr Natasha Hodgson (Nottingham Trent University).

Our speakers will present a short introduction to their work and perspectives on collaborations between schools and universities. This includes perspectives from university academics, school teachers and teacher education. We will find out more about specific projects and the collaborations they have fostered, as well as discuss what has worked and why. There will be plenty of time to ask questions and discuss collaborations. 

This forum is linked to the History UK Collaborating with Schools Project led by a small working group. 

Book your place now!