History UK Research Grant Workshop
A one day workshop featuring presentations from major funding bodies and experienced grant recipients.
Timing and location: Tuesday 4th September 2018, 10am-4pm, Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, Bloomsbury, London.
The rapidly changing environment in higher education means that there is more emphasis than ever on the need to apply for research grants. The result has been increased competition during a period when government funders and universities tighten spending on large grants and research leave. These challenges face academics at all career stages, though mid-career historians are particularly effected owing to the competing expectations of departmental administration, leadership, and publishing research outputs, along with controversial moves by some universities to benchmark research income to job grade.
To address this important issue, and to offer historians advice and assistance, History UK is hosting a one-day Research Grant Workshop on Tuesday, 4 September 2018, 10am-4pm, at the Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, Bloomsbury, London.
The Research Grant Workshop is for historians at all career stages, but primarily aimed at mid-career scholars, interested in making successful research grant applications. There will be a series of presentations by representatives of the major funding bodies, funding specialists, successful applicants, and historians with experience of peer review, which will survey the landscape of higher education funding for History practitioners.
10.30am-12.00pm: Funders Panel. Featuring representatives from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and British Academy.
12.00-1.00pm: Professor Emma Griffin (University of East Anglia) reflects on her experiences, both the successes and the failures, of grant capture.
2.00-3.00pm: Dr Kieran Fenby-Hulse (Coventry University) Diversifying Your Funding Portfolio. This session will look at the diverse range of funding opportunities for research and how collaboration can expand the number and types of opportunities available.
3.00-4.00pm: Peer Review Panel. Experienced members of the college of peer reviewers share their experience and offer advice on what makes a successful grant application.
Registration fee £10 (includes lunch).
Please book via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/history-uk-research-grant-workshop-tickets-47060513262
History UK represents history departments in British higher education institutions.